

Thursday, February 27, 2020


Dry skin is common, especially with old age and during the cold months. No matter how common, though, steps should still be taken to replenish moisture in your skin. Skin that is left severely dry can become itchy and scaly, which are signs that your xerosis has progressed into pruritus. We at Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates in Lorain, OH, take pride in educating our patients about proper foot care. We want all of our patients feeling the best they can!

While xerosis is a minor and temporary problem that does not normally require medical attention, if severe enough, it causes significant discomfort. Some symptoms include skin that is dry, itchy, scaly, tight (especially after a shower), white, flakey, irritated, or finely cracked. You should immediately see your doctor if you find that your skin is oozing or peeling, or if your skin worsens or develops a ring-shaped rash.

Preventing xerosis is quite simple, though sometimes inevitable for those over sixty-five. At that point, you can reduce the severity of your xerosis by changing up your routine:

-Use cleansers without fragrances, dyes, or alcohol
-Bathe for a shorter period of time
-Bathe in lukewarm water (never hot water)
-Place a humidifier in your home
-Drink plenty of water
-Always apply sunscreen before going outdoors
-Use oil-based lotions daily (especially after bathing)
-Do not scratch your xerosis!
-Pat your skin dry after bathing (no vigorous towel drying)
-Use body soap with added oils for hydration
-Avoid extended periods of time in pools and hot tubs

Do you have xerosis? Stop into our office so we can have a look and get you started on a treatment plan! Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates is located on 1740 Cooper Foster Park Rd #B in Lorain, OH 44053. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 440-282-1221.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

What is Metatarsalgia?

Do you feel a sharp pain in your foot when you stand on tiptoe? Chances are you have metatarsalgia, or in other words, the ball of your foot has become inflamed. Although this is not a serious condition, it can definitely make it difficult to complete day to day activities. We at Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates provide treatment for an array of ailments, including metatarsalgia. Your Lorain, OH, podiatrist wants to make sure your problem is treated quickly and efficiently so that you can go back to doing the things you need to do, pain-free!

Symptoms of metatarsalgia include a sharp, aching, or burning pain in your foot, numbness or tingling in your toes, a feeling that there’s a pebble in your shoe, and pain that worsens over time. If pain lasts longer than a few days, it’s recommended that you see your podiatrist at Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates to make sure there isn’t something more serious going on. 

Only by making yourself aware of what causes metatarsalgia can you begin to prevent it. Some causes of metatarsalgia include:

- Certain foot shapes
- Stress fractures
- Intense activity
- Foot deformities
- Morton’s neuroma
- Excess weight
- Ill-fitting shoes

Are you suffering from metatarsalgia? Stop into our office so we can have a look and get you started on a treatment plan! Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates is located on 1740 Cooper Foster Park Rd #B in Lorain, OH 44053. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 440-282-1221.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Foot Fungus

Also known as onychomycosis, foot fungus is specifically a fungal infection of the toenails. It causes toenails to become brittle and distorted, thicken, turn yellow, and emanate a foul smell. Foot fungus has the ability to cause a whole host of other problems, including uncomfortable mobility. We at Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates in Lorain, OH, have the expertise to help you or someone you know with various foot problems. Your Lorain podiatrist is dedicated to getting you on the road to treatment for a more comfortable life!

Foot fungus comes in varying degrees of severity. Sometimes treatment isn’t required if it doesn’t bother you. However, for severe cases, relief can only be achieved by a podiatrist’s treatment. The frustrating thing about foot fungus is that even if treatment is successful, nail fungus often comes back. There are a few risk factors to be aware of, some in your control and some not:

- History of athlete’s foot
- Sweating a lot
- Diabetes causes circulation problems and a weakened immune system
- Minor skin or nail injury, such as psoriasis
- Walking barefoot in public areas, especially at gyms, shower rooms, and swimming pools
- Seniors have reduced blood flow, so more exposure to fungi and slow-growing toenails

In order to prevent foot fungus, we recommend that you wash your feet regularly, choose a medical pedicure over a standard nail salon, wear sweat-absorbing socks and breathable shoes, especially wear footwear in pool areas and locker rooms, and either discard or disinfect old shoes. 

Do you have foot fungus? Stop into our office so we can have a look and get you started on a treatment plan! Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates is located on 1740 Cooper Foster Park Rd #B in Lorain, OH 44053. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 440-282-1221.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Common Toe Deformities

Our feet withstand a lot. They hold up the full weight of our bodies and propel us forward. It’s important that we take care of our feet so that they can last us our lifetimes with little complication. Common toe deformities such as claw toe, hammertoe, and mallet toe can all be prevented if we treat our feet right. We at Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates in Lorain, OH, are dedicated to helping our patients find relief and educating them about how they can prevent future toe deformities. 

Claw toe, hammertoe, and mallet toe: it almost sounds like we’re going through a toolbox. But the names do lend to the visual abnormality of these deformities, as well as the discomfort. Most of the time, surgery will be required to completely correct these deformities. The tissue will need to be released and tendons will need to be lengthened. 

A closer look at the common toe deformities:

- Claw toe: This deformity is caused by one of the tendons in the foot contracting, raising the first bone in the toe and making the second two bones point downward. 
- Hammertoe: A normal toe should form a straight line with the three bones that make up the toe. This deformity raises the first toe bone, the second bone tilts downward, and the third bone becomes flat. Like claw toe, this is also caused by a tendon contracting in the foot.
- Mallet toe: This deformity is also caused by a tendon in the foot contracting. The first two toe bones remain straight, though they are slightly raised. The third bone points downwards.

Are you experiencing a toe deformity? Stop into our office so we can have a look and get you started on a treatment plan! Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates is located on 1740 Cooper Foster Park Rd #B in Lorain, OH 44053. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 440-282-1221.


Have you noticed one of your toes bending upwards or becoming more difficult to move? If so, we hope you’ll schedule an appointment with Int...