

Monday, April 26, 2021

Osteochondral Lesion

A twisted ankle is a relatively common problem, and while it’s not fun, it’s usually treatable without major interventions. However, the patient’s situation may be more serious if there is damage to their cartilage. At Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates in Lorain, our podiatrists take particular interest in sports injuries. As such, they are experienced in treating osteochondral lesions in the foot. This means they can help patients to recover from cartilage breakdown in areas including the talar dome.

The talus is a bone in the ankle that the leg bones rest on top of. The top-side of the talus is covered with a dome of cartilage, which is a rubbery substance that provides cushioning. If a person has a degenerative condition or suffers an ankle injury, the cartilage may rupture, soften, or develop cysts. A breakdown in cartilage may be accompanied by a break in the bone, but not always. Since cartilage helps the joint to move freely, breakage in it could cause the bone to catch or click. The patient may also experience swelling and bouts of pain, particularly when putting the joint under pressure.

The ankle joints don’t always get a great deal of blood supply, and osteochondral lesions in the talus may be slow to heal. If a piece of cartilage breaks off and floats freely in the joint, it will continue to cause inflammation and obstruction. Identifying a talus dome injury is done through a combination of range of motion tests and imaging. The patient may be provided with oral or injected non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and be given a fitted ankle brace, with instructions on non-weight bearing exercises to do at home. But if the patient continues to experience pain or diminished function, we may determine that surgical removal of the damaged cartilage is necessary. In that case, surgery will usually be done through small holes, using miniature cameras, to allow the patient a faster recovery.

Doctors David J. Hintz and Michael A. Wenowitz run Integrity Foot & Ankle Associates at 1740 Cooper Foster Park Road #B, Lorain, Ohio, 44053. To schedule an appointment, visit Integrity Foot and Ankle or call 440-282-1221.

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